The more I see of Jordan Peterson, the more I realize he is simply riding the waves of a shifting culturo-political landscape. It's known here that he's a trad con, up and to a point, but I find it funny that he seems - or seemed - to be confused by it. I've seen several videos where he admits not understanding why the majority of his viewers are men. Then, I watched Joe Rogan's podcast with Jocko Willink, a retired Navy Seal. One of the top rated comments on that video went something like this:
"Man, first Jordan Peterson is telling me to clean my room, now Jocko is telling me to train and get in shape. It's almost like having a father."
That meant to be humorous? Probably, but it's true.
Men raised by single mothers = no father
Men who had a father, then father left after divorce = no father
Men who are raised by simps = no father
Men want that role model, or so Peterson thinks. But this doesn't take into account the landscape. Men do usually want to emulate or become like who they admire, but what happens when that role model falters, or there is no satisfaction at all? Consider the average low SMV male. He's told to sort himself out, and like most men, he sees someone who is physically fit, good job, charismatic, etc. "Okay, I'll just do that. That has to work, right?" Wrong. Even that guy can't keep it together. He get's cheated on, he gets divorced. But what did he do wrong? He had all the cards, right? These are the questions the normal blue pill guy will be asking. These are the questions some guy might ask Jordan. What will he say? With the way things are, the way things are becoming, just about every normal guy will have a family member, friend, acquaintance, fail with relationships. And those people should have made it work, but they didn't. So why, Jordan?
I don't know about you guys, but when I work at something, be it exercise, studies, whatever... I like there to be satisfaction. Both in the process itself, and knowing the goal will be worth a damn, thus justifying my work and time. Yet many of these high SMV guys will - and do - reveal they have the same views about women as the low SMV guys: they don't respect them.
Some high SMV dude gets his knob polished by another man's girlfriend, fiance, wife. How long til he wonders if his own girl will be doing the same with some other guy?
There is no satisfaction. No reason. But Jordan's problem, and others as well (We'll get there in a minute) is that it's the "easy way out" for young men. Easy way out, huh? So, what's wrong with men having an easy way out? What do they get by taking the difficult path? Or rather... Jordan... ... what do you and everyone else get by men taking the difficult path?
Answer: a society
But not just any society, a society that doesn't seem to appreciate the very cogs that keep it running. It's a bit of a revelation I had, not too long ago. Have you thought about just how many institutions lose money when men scale back their time with women, or forgo it completely? No more paying for movie tickets. No more paying for meals. No more paying for drinks at bars or clubs. No more buying things on Valentines day, no more frivolous spending to get her in-between gifts for fuck-all reason. No more trying to buy your way into her good graces, no more spending money for her to outdo her friends. No more gas money for those long trips to see her. No money spent on her debt. No money spent on a ring, a ceremony, and everything else with it. No money on kids, and all things with that. It goes on and on.
Think about it. Think about how much revenue those places lose when you walk away.
Now comes the egalitarians and anti-fems claiming "MGTOW is just as bad as feminism." The videos about how families are "TOTES IMPORTANT NOW, GUYS. NO REALLY." "I mean we bulldozed the very foundations keeping it place for years, but uh- yeah, it still matters. The society that doesn't care about you is in danger, guys. We're uh... kinda worried. So time to Man Up?"
Well, gentlemen? Is it time?
~ Have a good rest of your weekend.
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