I cannot believe how much this relates to modern women

“I’d accuse them of having affairs, even when they were sick and couldn’t stand up straight, let alone do anything in bed. I think they secretly liked my accusations because they thought they reflected feelings of jealousy in me. I swore that I was out and about at night to find out who they were sleeping with when I was really out having fun. God made women naturally good at lying, crying, and spinning yarn. I can say that in the end I always got my way whether I lied, cheated, complained, or nagged my husbands. I particularly gave them a lot of trouble over sex, and I’d often make them go without getting any. If my husband was in the mood and started touching me at night, I’d refuse even to stay in bed with him unless he got me off first. Only then would I let him finish. The point is that everything has a price: Even though I wasn’t attracted to my extremely old husbands, I pretended to be interested in them in order to get their money and the deeds to their land. That’s why I harassed them all the time…because I couldn’t actually stand them. Even if the pope himself were there, I’d still have lit into them. God help me, though, if I died right now I know that I’d have nothing to answer for regarding those marriages because I certainly paid my price in bed with them. They had to make some sacrifices for me because they sure struggled to get it up."

Translated from here

Woman with 5 husbands, the first 3 were old and rich and the last 2 are young and virile. Textbook BB/AF