Hu-man maturity goes through stages. MGTOW is no different.

First is the stage of bitterness. Where the man still lusts on women and is attached to the secular world. Bashing women like a good little internet warrior.

Second is the stage of coping. Still plugged in the matrix he finds other cheap substitutes like games and money or other distractions and mater-(=mother=feminine)-ialistic goals.

Third is the stage of apathy or indifference.

ANd 4th the one rarely men reach is that of enlightment, forgiving and transcendance of the secular world.

What almost noone talks about in this process. Is that IT ALL HAPPENS INSIDE THE MAN. its not the actual women or the world that changes but the man himself.

What MGTOWs really run away from, is not a hairless (hopefully) bipedal female ape, but their very own unnatural pedestalisation of that creature.

Its the natural defence mechanism of the male psyche, against an unatural pedestalisation and a set of expectations perpetuated by society, families and pop culture.

What men really are doing is correcting society from the inside. Running from the materialistic chimeras of the world, to which there is no end and satiation.

So when a MGTOW gets to see female nature for what it really is, he gets to empathize with the poor creature, and also with his own degeneration that let him fall from spiritual king to materialistic doormat.

You don't hate women but the human degeneration and the level humans fall to when they become senseless materialists. And you have fallen for the same trap as well. Time to rise up and transform the only thing you can in this world, your self.