She used to be a cool mum when i grew up. Over time she changed into a nagging bitch that ONLY fucking cares about herself.
There was a time when i was practically homeless because of extreme medication poisoning from a doctor, reacted allergic to anything chemical after that because my liver and lymph system was totally fried. It was hell on earth and it took me time to find the tools on the glorious internet to regenerate that from 100% hell to only 20% of that crap now.
And she would get more mad and mad at me and just be more of the most retarded bitch ever. She would also turn my father against me. Like OMG HIS RECOVERY COSTS MONEY IT NEEDS TO BE CHEAP. It got so bad that i lived at friends at that time and they were keeping me alive with minimal money (couldnt work, chronically sick as fuck, no excuse) and lived their own "good life". She bougt a bike that she never used and a MacBook Pro to surf the internet. Yes she reallyed needed these items you know. At the same time she cryed i would make them "poor" its so fucking retarded.
A few years later my dad got sick as FUCK and i feel now its kind of deserved because he left me alone in my darkest hours ever. I remember him coming to my tent and yelling at me stupid bullshit instead of showing any empathy. The man is a piece of shit, he can't do shit i tell you, he is the most ball-less motherfucker that i ever met in my life. Like your kid is sick as fuck, trying to survive and you yell stupid shit at him like WTF are you retarded?!
Same for my mother, she didnt care that i lived in a tent, not really - it was one of the parts that made me very redpilled. My friends that i still had were shocked that my parents reacted like that. She said im a "blood sucking parasite" when in reality i really needed their help, it was not like i could just get a "job and fix my life" - its like saying to someone who has cancer that its his own faul, sometimes life just sucks and you need help. They just played off my condition as psychological when in reality every doctor i saw on this said im poisoned and it needs time. There will most likely be some part of this where i have to live with the remaining % of it.
Back then i wished something would happen to them to wake them the fuck up because they CLEARLY (!) took advantage of that. I was begging for help it was so bad, something i would never do before. I suffered from some kind of traumatic disorder for some time from all the stress and coldness of my parents. Without my friends i think i would have been pretty much dead. Seriously.
I warned them that their own situation will get worse as i saw many red flags.
Now that her own situation is bad (OH KARMA IS A BITCH RIGHT???) she plays the victims and crys around " I CANT LIVE LIKE THAT ANYMORE" and im laughing like lol bitch i lived like that for fucking YEARS for fucking motherfucking YEARS and all you did was shaming me and pushing me away. Zero sympathy for that cunt. Dad is also sick and powerless and gets negged on by her all fucking day. Oh how i love Schadenfreude.
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