
I would like to first thank you for attending this meeting on such short notice. We are here to discuss the merger of our two firms. You, the controlling officers of "Alphinity XY" have shown interest in our new, sleek product the "wymen". So much so, infact, that we are now discussing the purchase of our entire business "Chromsum-XX".

We have taken the liberty to write out a proposal for the merger here, please read along with me while I discuss some key items.

In accordance of this proposal, after the signing of this contract, our staff shall relocate to your firm. Your firm will be responsible for the payment of all of "Chromsum-XX" outbound dues as well as the continued maintenance of our merged infrastructure. In return "Chromsum-XX" shall provide you with a marketing campaign designed to double the number of clients to our joint venture.

However, please note the terms and conditions of this contract. "Chromsum-XX" may void the contact at any time for any reason. As result of the voiding of this contract, "Chromsum-XX" will be allowed to maintain any clients gained post signing of the contract. Should the contract be void, your firm will be responsible for making maintenance payments for the clients for a span of no less than 18 years. Additionally, "Chromsum-XX" reserves the rights to keep the infrastructure and assets obtained after the merger and we reserve the rights to maintenance payments on those items as well.

"Chromesum-XX" reserves the rights to obtain any other merger offers while still affiliated with your firm and should a better offer be made, you agree to have the contract voided so that the new merger may continue unhindered. Please also keep in mind, that should it prove beneficial to "Chromsum-XX" we may have the separation statement adjusted at any time, with no limit on time passed.

Gentlemen, after briefly discussing the terms and conditions, I have just one question. Do we have a deal?