I'd say I've been pretty mgtow my whole life without even knowing. When my parents split when I was 10 it was such a mess of everything. I went through school hoping to maybe meet a nice girl but all I seen was trashy behaviour all round. I didn't really have much direction, don't see my dad, but relationship wise I knew I didn't want random relationships or whatever just to fit in. The years went by and nothing changed, I could just see through so much bullshit others couldn't. But at the same time I really did wanna find a nice girl to be with. But I never really tried as I was happy doing my own thing anyway. Which was being with a few close friends, games, anime, travel now and then. But still, it would of been nice.
Eventually though I did, and she was different from the rest (or maybe not...). But things were great. She never really had anything before me as she was proper shy, low self esteem etc. I didn't really know what to do in a relationship so I just treated her good and suprised her with stuff which she wasn't used to, she always thanked me for being good to her, and how she feels her self esteem is much better because of me. Lol I feel kinda dumb having to write this, I've seen stories of guys having it worse but I don't really know what to do anymore. But we were so close once and we went through a lot together, her sister loved us, but her parents not so much as I was few years older. It's like they just filled her head with shit that wasn't true. After a year it eventually got so bad she was becoming more and more distant. It's weird because a month before, she was crying not knowing what to do, and I held her hands and to her I'm not going anywhere...and a month later she breaks up with me anyway. Her sister would tell me she cried loads, and how she still has feelings deep down and all I wanted to do was fix it somehow, but she just kept jumping into relationships with these beta types, wasn't normal for her at all but I figured she was just trying to fill the void. At times we'd talk and it was nice, but then once again she'd just, start some argument but now I see it was just to push me away while she goes off with someone else. This happened a few times...and now she's with some simp who I know doesn't compare to me and its just got me so confused. Normally they do their best to upgrade and if not, they come crawling back. But here it seems she is settling with all she can get, some typical nice guy.
I forgot to mention, we broke up about 7 months ago, and for the past 7 months I was under investigation because she made up a bunch of shit to the police about me, which just isn't true. How could it be? We only had sex once and it wasn't a good time for her and she wanted to wait, which was okay with me and never again did I try or ask for it, but we did everything else and she was always so into it. So why am I the enemy all of a sudden? Why did she seem to hate me so much? It's over now, it was a case of her word against mine, now I'm on the fucking offenders list for 2 years. What am I supposed to do now? The one time I ever really tried for a girl, a girl who I thought was everything, could be pressured into turning against me, I was always so good to her and she was good to me too. During all this shit I still tried proving to her, and she just told me stop trying to win me over, and cried shortly afterwards. Today, she doesn't even look at me... as if I'm some horrible person. I had a simple life before, now I'm labelled as something horrible that's not even me. On one hand I hate her so much, and have every right to. But on the other we have so many nice memories and I feel she handled everything terribly not realising how serious this is. I just don't get what I did to deserve this. But I guess what I should really be focusing on is what do I do now...also the police took my phone and pc and are destroying it because I had anime and probably GoT downloaded which they call 'counterfiet software' so on top of everything, that's like £700 down the drain. I have nothing now. Won't be able to get a job with this on my record, so unmotivated. Oh and the police were only involved because she was getting bullied and nothing was being done about it (as usual), she always felt so down because of it, and I'm the one that got them involved, because you know, I fucked cared. And somehow I'm here.
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