From a young age men are taught that women are special and all we should care for in life and with our biology telling us the same thing, we ask no questions. Women grow up with the same knowledge, only that they are brought up as the one to be sought after. In the past, this meant women wanted to attract a good, working man to provide for them while they stay at home and this dynamic worked because men have always naturally dated down and women have always naturally dated up. One thing that's changed though, is that women are now also taught to not support these traditional ideas and are encouraged to be independent, career-women who should settle for what they want and nothing less.

This is all fun and well for women but men are still being brought up under false ideas of romance and relationships. At least balance it out and tell men the truth of modern dating, no? There are too many men in this world who think treating a woman like a queen means that she will fall for his kind gestures. Maybe in the past she would admire what you are willing to do for her but it's almost 2020, she's been brought up with people telling her that she doesn't need you. Whether you are trying to make her a girlfriend and helping her in any way you can or her fucking husband she doesn't feel any entitlement towards you. Nobody was there to tell these guys that life isn't a Disney film. In fact, society and women kept it up by telling these men women will still fall for the 'nice guy', it's sickening. How can you lie to these peoples faces knowing damn well you're sending them down a path of rejection then act surprised when they come out of the other end despising you, are no longer the 'nice guy' then you have the audacity to tell them they were never nice to begin with.

Whether we are niceguys, incels or mgtow, we were all lied to and had to find out the truth for ourselves but what does society do? Laugh at us, tell us we are being delusional, call us misogynists. Anything to up-keep men being traditional, pussy worshipping slaves while women continue to express their financial and sexual freedom huh?

Pages and channels which talk about the red-pill and black-pill are some of the best things that have happened for men because society and women were never going admit how fucked men are in today's dating culture, relationships and marriage.