A friend of mine took a huge risk a few years ago, sold everything he had including his home and started a business. He worked like a slave for years to build it and it worked. A couple of years ago, after he created a management team and hired a GM, he stepped back a bit and started to enjoy his new wealth. He ordered a Maserati and a Porsche and started going to the luxury clubs where all the premium thots lurk. Before this we had a talk about it since he was a nerd all his life with no real experience with women (at least not the kind he was going to face) and I advised him that he is a really good catch: never married, no kids, money; so he should tread carefully and protect himself. A few months later he contacted me for help, he sounded distressed. Long story short one of the thots announced that she is 4 months pregnant another one 2 months pregnant and the third was late a few weeks. Luckily I have very good lawyer friends and we helped him put everything in order, after they worked their magic he had not one cent to his name. He announced the two thots that were still able to abort that he will not marry them and they will not see much from him except the legal minimum (which is peanuts) and only after DNA confirmation of fatherhood. Mission aborted, problem solved. Haha Unfortunately the third one he could not get rid of since after the first trimester abortions are illegal in our country. He will not marry her but since he is a good guy he now lives with her and is involved in his daughter's life. He says he wants to shield her from the influence of her whore of a mother. I don't know...to me it seems like an exercise in futility...

Anyway, that's the story for now, the moment they smelled money the baby making machine got turned on.

Be careful out there my brothers. Be very careful.