1) "No matter how used and abused she is, no matter if she is a walking public toilet cummed and abandoned by many if i'm the one now with her its all that matters."

ZOOOONG! No dude, she is still damaged goods carrying all the microbes, traumas and memories of those stallions. your jizz dripples are but the cherry on the top of a bigger mountain.

2)"I'm actually in control of my own life."

ZOOONG. No chadboi, she is still the captain in command. its just that you decide to overlook it and she is cunning enough to make you believe it.

3)"But... but i get laid. "

ZOOONG!! You are actually getting fucked, you got the frame all wrong. And its not even an achievement, at another era you'd be embarassed to admit that publically.

4)I seduced her with my "game".

ZOOOOOOOOONG! ehm... sorry to be the bearer of bad news chadude, but they get the grip of the game cause they are the ones who design it, and they only LET you believe she bought in your whatever crap. If she compromises your confidence it wont be fun for her anymore. her ideal phantom of manhood will collapse.

5)i'm in the top 10, 2 whatever % of men.

ZOOOONG! more like in the bottom. In the real world/life, true men, which is liberated men make the rules. You are merely echoeing the values of the gynocentric materialistic system. For them you can be a god, in the real world you can be garbage. As Socrates said about education, educated man is not the secularly perceived phd guy (as we'd say today), but the moral man and the holy man i'd even dare to say.

6)"You say all that, cause i get laid more than you! ha!"

ZOOOONG! chadamigo, are you still the little boy conditioned by its momma, lost in the gynocentric frame? Do you derive your worth from women? poor you chadchamp, i wish you quick recovery, the MGTOW will always be there for you.

And the biggest one they say to themselves

7)"This will be my last one".

ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG! my poor chadkie, you are an addict and you don't even realise it... .