If you're here from the mainstream Reddit world, or were sent here from elsewhere on the internet, because you heard MGTOW was an 'Incel' sub-reddit, a 'misogynist hate group', or some other permutation of 'sad, lonely, bitter, loser, man-boys' etc... This message is for you.

Have you considered that the reason some men shun legal commitment and relationships with women in this day and age might not be that they themselves are undesirable to women, but that many of the modern women, and indeed the rules of the game itself, have become undesirable to them?

I mean.. have you even considered for a second that that might be a thing that 'could' even be possible?

That maybe the world isn't exactly as you've been led to believe, and that relationships and interactions between men and woman don't follow the rules or fairy tail depictions exactly as you've been taught, or as tv, books, and movies like to portray? But in fact the vestiges of our animal pasts could make them potentially far more sinister and insidious than what they appear to be?

That women are not these perfect idilic creatures who are incapable of doing wrong, as we are constantly being told. And that a social and legal system that denies this reality and holds only one gender predominantly accountable for their actions might not be a great thing?

That in fact, due to an overtly permissive and flattering culture, a large contingent of modern women have now become spoiled, entitled, insufferable, and even anti-social (in the clinical sense)?

And even more pertinently, that the social and legal systems that incentivize and reward divorce, lionize infidelity, and heavily favor women throughout the entire process might be creating a system in which the only safe bet for men is to refuse to take part?

If you haven't considered any of these possibilities, and instead have just blindly been swallowing the one-sided explanations and mischaracterisations that have been fed to you up until now, perhaps you should take a moment and interrogate why that is.

Why is it that one possible explanation, namely that men who reject the status quo must be evil, wrong, and contemptible, is so easily accepted and promulgated? Yet the other explanation, that these men are right, and that (gasp) women might actually also be capable of deceit, manipulation, and even egregious harm, and that we should have a more balanced social and legal framework that accounts for those realities, so vigorously resisted and suppressed?

If you can look within yourself and outwardly at the world around you, and honestly arrive at the answer to those questions, then and only then will you understand why it is that men decide to be MGTOW.

Something to think about. GYOW