2y ago a buddy of co worker wanted to introduce me to is neighbor a single mom of 2, her kids were heavily involve in sport and martial arts, i spoke to her a few times she seemed nice, lived alone had her own house work in a decent job etc liked to travel. My only issue is that i was at a turning point in my life, and MGTOW was taking over, i had just set up my condo the way in wanted it with a home gym, movie theater and video game center, and i was enjoying my freedom too much to get into a relationship once more. I guess i was becoming more anti social wanting to avoid social gatherings, family diner, kid bdays and so on.

She recently message me back on facebook to get in touch, she recently met a man who got 3 young girls and is planing to go live with him, so in total you got 5 kids in the house, and a hell of a social life......

I am glad i found MGTOW and the red pill, this feeling of freedom as no price.....