There's an old saying that states there is no such thing as bad publicity. Because if you want a name, brand, or an idea out there, and you wanted to be known and recognized, you let it be thrown out there. People of my vintage or older will remember the PMRC. This was an organization called the Parent’s Music Resource Center. It was formed by coalition of liberals and conservatives who were concerned about the content of music in the 80s. Tipper Gore was famous for being part of this and spearheading many of their efforts. And what did the PMRC accomplish? They pressured the music industry into putting warning labels that warned of content that they deemed “explicit content.” And the results? Hilariously, CD’s, records and cassettes with the warning labels sold in higher numbers than those without. They became the “forbidden fruit” the people wanted because they were told it was “bad.” In other words the PMRC failed miserably. Not only did they not limit the sales of explicit content they publicized the content and made it far more desirable.

What does that mean to us today? There is a coalition of liberals, feminists, simps, and white knights who are all gunning against any man that wants to be free. MGTOW seems to be a particular target for many of these, and there are subs devoted to making sure that men don't learn anything that goes against their gynocentric narrative. There have been multiple articles written about MGTOW, and they are almost universally bad. Many of those have been posted here, and I have written about them at times. Here are some of the titles:

MGTOW Are Losers? The Truth About The “Men Going Their Own Way” Movement

The Divorce Revolution Has Bred An Army Of Woman Haters

The ‘Men Going Their Own Way’ movement is the Taliban of the manosphere

The Danger of the Trumped-Up Men’s Rights Movement

There are many more, but the message is clear; “MGTOW BAD!” One of the ban subs touted a “documentary” that completely decontextualized the meaning of a “cult” to misapply this label to MGTOW. I won’t link it, but at the time I was writing this, there were 95.7K views, and over 52K subscribers. Some people get upset about this type of propaganda. I applaud it. I applaud it because out of that nearly 96,000 people that watched this mocumentary, how many of those had never heard of MGTOW before? And, out of the people that had never heard about MGTOW before, how many of those people decided to go looking for more information? How many of those people ended up here, or some other place in the manosphere? Of course, we don't have hard data on this, but there's a very good chance that people that never knew about our ideas before got to see what we really write and do. And we can only speculate on how many of those people decided to embrace our ideas.

Once again, our detractors make the classic error of thinking that we are like them. They engage in projection. Our detractors are all about controlling the actions of others. And the best way to control others is to control the access to information. They define us as a cult, or a group of terrorists, or some dark entity which seeks to recruit men into our evil ways. This is where they fail miserably. We don't actually match the criteria for cult (which is why they had to alter the definition of cult to project that onto us). We're not an organization. We have no structure. We have no leaders. And, most importantly we don't recruit. We don't have to recruit as women do that for us. If female nature didn't exist there would be no MGTOW. There wouldn't be a reason for us to discuss what we discuss. There would be no notes to compare, or experiences to share. Since MGTOW is an idea that represents human freedom, we don't have to control or manipulate others. We are not on a quest to recruit every man to our purpose. Since ours are ideas of freedom, every individual man has to make his own choice. We don't desire power over others. However, our detractors do, and since they assume that we are the same as them, they treat us as competitors.

When they write their logically tortured articles, make their wild claims, and post their mocumentaries, they make even more people aware of us. If someone watches or reads their content and chooses to remain a simp; we don’t care. It does not impact any of us in the least. If some seek out true information and makes changes to their own lives for the better, it still doesn’t impact us individually, but the man that learns the truth is now free. In other words, they are recruiting for us. I see no reason to interfere with that. We don’t recruit, and not every man has to be MGTOW. They seek to control every man, and their efforts only send more men to us. They are putting a warning label on us just like the PMRC did for music, and they’ll make us the “forbidden fruit” that others want to learn about.