r/relationship_advice•Posted byu/L1ttle_Warlock1 hour ago

Do we owe our partners sex?


I 25f have a colourful sexual history that I'm not proud of but regardless it's in the past and not a day goes by I don't regret it. I'm with 30m and we have two children. Being a SAHM of two under 3 is hard and my sex drive is non existent these days. 30m takes this really hard, he knows about my past and uses it against me. He says with how I've been in the past I should freely give him sex when he asks or wants it. I disagree heavily and I'm at a point where I want to leave and be single rather than be called all kinds of fouls names because I don't want sex. I was not a sex worker or anything like that just had under 10 sexual partners. He argues when we got together I was this wild sex crazed woman who would try anything. I was... but i was 19 and had zero responsibility's, things have obviously changed a bit since then.

How can I get him to realise I'm not some sex doll and I deserve respect regardless of my history? I try to explain if he cared for my feelings and gave me respect we'd probably be able to rebuild a healthy sexual relationship but its not worked. Any tips from SAHP for getting your sex drive back?

Edit - please save the "you should leave him, he's foul" etc