Over the past year I've been invited to 3 weddings and turned down all three.
The first was a good buddy that I hadn't had contact with in over 2 years because he got a girlfriend.
The second was another friend who I was very close with. He asked me to be his best man. I still said I don't go to weddings.
The most recent is family, my cousin. She and her fiance have been together for 2 years. Over that time, she's managed to turn him into a complete simp and take away all his hobbies. I've been told not going could result in me being written out of our grandparents will. I really don't care.
Every time I say no, people assume it's because I don't have a date. They say to still come and eat food, maybe you'll meet somebody wink wink I honestly don't care. I think marriage is stupid and don't support it. The whole process, ceremony, after party, dressing up. It's not for me.
Anyone else turn down wedding invites?
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