AITA for being upset after my wife told me she thought about sleeping with my friend years ago?

406 points139 commentssubmitted by Starlordy- to r/AmItheAsshole

Context a long time ago, around 8 years ago. We'd gone out to a lake to party with a group of friends. Tempers flared and my good friend took off and left his girlfriend at the house we were staying at saying he was driving home (hours of driving) he'd been drinking, wouldn't answer anyone's calls until he answered my call. I went to go get him and we spoke in his car for about an hour. He ended up coming back and in the am took his girlfriend and went home.

My wife says that I just left her and went partying with my friend. If by partying she thinks sitting in a Safeway parking lot and talking your friend out of driving home drunk, then guilty. Come to find out last night when she was at the house with the girlfriend she was talking to another guy who is a mutual friend.

"He was funny and sweet to me, and you weren't there."

So of course last night when she is mad at me she tells me that she was thinking about sleeping with him that night. We'd been married about 2 years at that point (lake party). And this guy was a blackout drunk who sat out naked and got a sunburn (still is a blackout drunk). I was really hurt, largely because I can't believe anyone would choose this guy over me. And I said "I'm done with you, with us" well I screamed it in the car if I'm honest and I regret saying it. She came in this morning and apologized, but I'm still mad and I'm feeling like an asshole, so confirm or deny my feelings please.