MGTOW is many things, it's a philosophy, a lifestyle, a general model of human interaction, a collection of facts and anecdotal experiences to learn from among other things, however, seeing the amount of women and pro dating/marriage people in this sub I have to remind you all what it is not:

  • MGTOW is not dating advice, you want the MGTOW dating advice here it is - don't date, don't get married, keep you interactions with females to the possible minimum.

  • MGTOW is not meant to provide advice for marital affairs, you got married? You signed a contract with the system and a woman as it's agent, you failed to heed our advice and now you have your balls in a vice grip, the only thing you are is an example of what men shouldn't do.

  • MGTOW is not here for women, period, I have read the "I'm here to become a better chameleon so that my boyfriend/husband won't notice the way I play him teehee" sentiment coming from women lurking here at least two dozen times and to these woman all I have to say is - introduce MGTOW to your partners and enjoy being single, it ain't for you and it never will be.

  • MGTOW is not here for you to flaunt your alleged NAWALT unicorn in, is she somehow magically exempt from rape shield laws, the duluth model, tender years doctrine, Briffault's law, family courts and the all encompassing gynocentrism that ruled human society since it's inception? Thought so, this is men going their own way, not men and their women/fangirls/slave masters going their women's way, AWALT, end of story.

Have a great weekend gentlemen, I'ma go hit the gym.