I've been watching the Kavanaugh mess with this growing bafflement? How the hell can anyone believe any of this stuff? Now we have a woman who claims that Kavanaugh routinely went to parties where women were gang-raped, and she herself went around ten times. Stormy Daniels, who makes her living getting fucked in the ass and having men jerk off onto her face on camera, is now a female role model. This is insane, but it's not inconsistent with what I've seen women do my whole life.
Another baffling example is a woman I know who posts about how women must be respected and believed, but has an image of herself doing a backbend in a bikini as her Facebook profile image. She's around 40.
I have tied myself in knots trying to figure this shit out. I can't. If you genuinely believe women need to be taken seriously, then why the hell would you have a picture of yourself like that for the entire world to see, and judge you on? Why would you insist the people "believe" any woman who claims to have been sexually harassed, regardless of evidence or facts?
The reason, which I figured out this morning, is that, seriously, women are, in the end, big children. They look, can act, and are publicly treated as functional adults, but deep down, we're dealing with little girls here. Children act on emotion. They don't consider consequences or fairness. They are incredibly influenced by outside validation, because they know they're vulnerable -- this is why kids will not accept the fact that a parent is a bad person, because if that's true, they're on their own, which means they're in mortal danger. And they also have a major problem telling the difference between fantasy and reality. Everyone does this to some extent, but children, and women, do it in public.
From this, follow two principles:
Do not expect women to act like adults. They may, on occasion, but they also may not. They can't tell the difference. Where man really get screwed is when they're surprised by a woman who, for instance, freaks out in public, or lies, or takes everyone down a destructive path because of how it makes her feel. You can't prevent this, necessarily, but you can plan for it, or be ready.
Do not give them any information. This is a big one, and is a key principle of MGTOW. Deception is a fundamental element of warfare, and of survival of the fittest. Camouflage is how animals survive in the wild and elude predators. Providing women with any information about your real beliefs, needs, assets, anything, will eventually be used against you somehow. When I was married, I had to lie constantly to my wife about everything, because if I, say, lost my keys for a day, I'd hear about it for weeks. Publicly saying anything you actually mean is a very bad idea, because women will not entitle you to have a different opinion, or react to it logically or fairly. Just be the Grey Man. Provide as little meaningful information as possible, and a lot of meaningless trivia.
[–]morbidaar11 points12 points13 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]lulz3r11 points12 points13 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]DaveC1110 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]wutc5 points6 points7 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]DaveC1111 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]Tsukikoselenia0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Science4Lawlz0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link