I found this interesting wiki entry while being curious about when exactly women started shaving their legs

"In the Victorian era, it was based on moral character. This shifted in the early 1920s when the new feminine idea became based on the body"

I found it pretty ironic since most women today who don't shave their hair have the worst moral standards of them all

I've run across women who have it, and it does take away a big chunk of the attraction spell so you see them more like a man, and It does serve what feminists want it to achieve, which is to focus on the character instead of the body

When having hairy legs is sort of like them wearing a burka and the other women who don't shave are the ultra religious and conservative ones

I just found this whole subject interesting and think it would probably be a good thing if women stopped shaving, then guys wouldn't simp as hard and actually focus on the character of the woman by seeing who they really are, a hairy, weaker, dumber man that makes babies, and start to judge them on their character

The irony is if anyone needs their legs shaved because their character is trash, it would be the feminists