When I was young in school all the boys where so competitive, and god forbid you went to a teacher complaining about an unfair rule or some shit.

Now I see boys getting medals just for participating, fuck. No sense of pride for being the best anymore and no sense of shame for losing.

Shame which would make you want to be better and try again.

We used to have arm wrestling competitions for fun in grade school, now there banned for being "violence promoters" wtf.

When I was young my father would tell me to help him out in the yard, at his job (plumber) to learn to cook, change a tire, start the coals for bbq.

He taught me to stay quiet and not look for trouble, to have my fucking morals in concrete and to never fucking bow down to something I don't believe in.

To accept the mistakes I make and to learn from them, and that I was an idiot if I made the same mistake twice.

To be up at the crack of dawn and not resent getting out of bed for I would have alot of time in old age for that.

That whatever you know how to do you should charge for it (money or favors etc.) and to always do your fucking best because if you don't your insulting yourself.

I am ashamed to say I have not followed his advice always, but I have always kept it in mind.

I am ashamed I didn't learn his trade because I thought it wasn't a cool job ( you have no idea how much I regret this now)

I am in a relationship with someone and until recently I feel I have healthy control over that relationship, I am aware of the pitfalls but for the moment I am ok.

Edit: Grammar, it sucks writing on mobile