I went mgtow and took the red pill a year ago when I found out my ex cheated on me. Honestly that was a blessing in disguise; within this one year I grew so much. I learned to not give a fuck, did what I want when I want, and just be true to myself.

I did my first triathlon, got in my dream industry, and been traveling solo. Granted, for a good half of the year I was full of rage. Pumping and dumping bitches left and right. Drinking and popping pills and not remembering what the fuck happened. At first I felt amazing like I was invincible but after awhile this all felt artificial and I felt even more confused. Plus my wallet was constantly bleeding.

Lately I've been doing less substance, which allowed me to clearly evaluate my life. What I came up with is that I just want to be happy. I have so much I want to accomplish and I can't waste my 20s being retarded in a relationship or in a club. Also I realized that hating women is just toxic. Why must we hoard all this hatred? It's like holding on to a burning coal while wishing someone to burn. So what if we had traumatic experiences from our previous relationships? We're alive and life is amazing. Let's achieve our dreams and make great memories. All in all I want to be a better version of myself; essentially I want to be that badass mother fucker who is confident about life.

Thank you brothers for this wonderful community. I wish you all the best.