Hey guys,

Here's a third part of the, "Living Life in your terms." In this case, I'll be talking about the tools to live life in your terms.

To live Life in your terms you need some of the following tools: Critical Thinking, Determining what's good and bad for your quality of life, you need to have a strong sense of Self-hood, you need to create and live by your values. All of these are, "ACTIVE PROCESS" that you need to constantly be doing or at least do them until you decide committing to one path.

Critical Thinking

This is a skill that most people lack. Most people go with threads and with whatever is popular at the moment. Most people cannot question things that others tell them. For instance, most people are watching Star Wars since others are doing it too. However, they can't break free and say, "Is this adding value to my life?"

To truly break free from 'Social Conditioning' you need to be constantly examine what you value and what your society values. This ranges from everything from going to college, to celebrating Halloween or your birthday. You need to see what truly matters for YOU and why it matters. For instance, an empty goal is to say, "I want to be in a famous band." Since you have no control over whenever the band you are in will be famous or not. If instead, you say, "I want to play musical for a living because I love the lifestyle of playing music. I like playing songs in front of an audience even if no one show up. Then that is a much more fulfilling life.

How to determine if an activity is good or bad for you?

You always need to ask the question, "Is this taking from my quality of life?" You need to see everything from the prism of 'Quality of Life." Quality of life is measured by how much Wealth, Health and Relationship stamina you have. For instance, if you have a high paying job but it is negatively impacting your health you need to drop it and move to something that's not hurting your health. If however, you have a job that makes you enough money but it allows you to enjoy life much more then you should pick up. For instance, if again with your rock band you make enough money to live a comfortable life then you should keep on doing it. If however, the lifestyle is taking away from your health and you are barely making any money you should STOP! You see its not about 'passions' or 'power' it is about 'Quality of Life' and living a much more fulfilling life.

Strong sense of Self-Hood

The concept of being on your purpose is closely align with having a strong sense of self-hood. You define yourself and from yourself you take ownership of your environment. What most people don't understand is that you need to value much more both yourself and your time. Most people do not value themselves nor their time. Let me give you a concrete example. Most people are trying to align with high status people to fit in around them. What they don't understand is that they should become high value themselves first and then offer value to those high value individuals, therefore, it ends being a collaboration between yourself and the high value person you are trying to network with. This logic same applies to women. For instance, instead of becoming a 'beta' orbiter for a cute girl you should become high value(by doing high value activities like throwing events) then invite the cute girl into your circle. If she meets your standards then you should keep her around if she doesn't then don't be afraid to cut her off. The same way with a lot of successful people. Unfortunately, we are taught to try to align with the successful person and that by 'osmosis' will make as high value, while this might be the case, what usually happens is that one become the "fan" of this successful person as opposed to offering value to them.

Creating and Living by your values

What I mean by this is that you should "CREATE your values and live according to them." Your society teaches you to go to school, get work for a corporation, to get experiences that you DON'T want. Let me be clear with you. For instance, your society teaches you to go to high school that high school is the way for you to get an education and get ahead in life. Instead, in high school you get stuck with al to of people who DONT' want to be there. Who hate high school. You are taught that you need to learn about the hierarchies there..etc. It's all BULLSHIT. You don't need to you go there an go into annoying trips. You can be home schooled and learn the same material. It's very hard to break free from this constraints though. Since these people need you more than you need them. They need you for your money and they need you to fill in their classrooms. On the other hand, you don't need these people, you can go to the library and the internet and learn directly from the great thinkers in history, you can get access to both college syllabus and academic journals.

Reciprocity Principle

This is concept that will be writing a lot about because very few people or no one writes about it. In order to be high value you should share, give and offer value to others while asking for nothing in return. Eventually, however, people will give back to you. For instance, if we go back to what Max was saying, "I felt out of place since I wasn't invited at the cool kids party." Exactly, it was right for him to feel out of place since people did not want to you there. Instead of believing some "Woo- Woo Self-Help advice" what you can do is to invite those cool people somewhere. For instance, I remember I invited a lot of kids to play beer pong. Eventually, after invited them for a bunch of times they started to invite me back to their own events, because of reciprocity. The problem with most people in ALL areas of life is that they want to RECEIVE from others and assume that this is the way most relationships should go. I NEVER met anyone who was always giving to others and felt social anxiety. Since he understood that most people would always be nice to him.

Final thoughts

Don't forget to follow us at r/CrimsonPill. Prioritize yourself above all. Bare in mind that most people are 'cogs in the machine.' They have no sense of 'introspection' nor critical thinking. Most people go with whatever is popular or whatever is of value. Instead, you should determine your purpose, create your values, give to others and expect less but know that people will be grateful to you.