I've been lifting for nearly a decade now, I'm 26 btw. I started training for sports than eventually for my love of powerlifting. Life long drug free lifter and since I became an instructor/coach recently I tell my trainees to embrace the "natty life" too.

Did I see my fellow classmates or teammates eventually start dosing? Yes. Do I see buff dads or gym brahs at my gym micro dosing in the locker room? Yes. But did anyone of them start cycling to get better at their sport to perhaps even get an academic scholarship or to compete on a bodybuilding stage? No. Most of them starting juicing to get laid or just to fill some sort of insecurities they had.

In my perspective I dont think men pressure women into putting dangerous chemicals or modifications to their body therefore we need to remind young boys and men they're worth more than a strong looking enhanced body in order to impress people for all the wrong reasons. A body is only as strong as the mind and the real strength comes from knowledge.

I don't juice but I certainly read a lot in regards to my craft, I compete, and I'm now making money for what I know and can offer to people. Your mind and overall health will last longer than Mr. Olympia level biceps. So guys, no homo(lol) but if women can say this so will I, you're beautiful in your own way and don't go through dangerous or odd lengths to fit someone's mold of beauty. Mgtow, peace and prosper.

P.s I'm speaking about the general public. I know top athletes are juiced up but keep in mind they were already levels above us in athleticism and skill without PEDs.