I am fighting my biological urge to want to mate with attractive women. My brain generates these fantasy moments of going on dates with these women where everything is going great and then leading to passionate sex afterwards. Not to humble brag but I’m at a point in my life where I have the resources and looks to attract these attractive women but I always get stopped by logic thanks to the red pill…

Logic and red pill shows me these fantasy moments are highly unlikely and the sex might just be mediocre especially thanks to a condom. Also the biggest one being that most women will be a liability you’ve added to your life. You spend money, time and energy on dates and keeping a women interested and then after sex you risk pregnancy, STD’s and false rape allegations.

I am a divorced single dad who thought my ex-wife was the best thing that happened to my life at first. Sex was great and frequent and our dates were good but all of that just eventually went downhill and she became my biggest enemy with false domestic violence allegations that thankfully lead to a dismissed restraining order in court. All to keep me from our daughter.

It really sucks that this is reality. My biological makeup wants to mate and procreate, but logic and red pill shows me that this is all a major liability. And it doesn’t help being divorced and having to co-parent. That is the biggest form of evidence that it just isn’t worth it in the end…