I like some of what i see in the manosphere, and I've been rolling around the idea of starting a channel. Mostly just to give my perspective on the goings on in the world of mgtow and help reinforce a core rationale for choosing this lifestyle.

One thing I struggle with though is i watch channels like Better Bachelor, Casual Bachelor, and sometimes Strong Successful Male, and they are doing what i'd like to do, only much, Much, MUCH better than i could.

It gives me pause because i woild not want to create something that is a "cheap knockoff" or a regurgitation of content someone else has already made. "Oh, there goes Impossible-asset with his face-in-the-corner and content just copying those other mgtow guys."...

The technical parts of lighting, recording and editing would be fun to learn and do i suppose.

Have any of you ever done any video content creation? Any general advice on it from a creative and production standpoint? What challenges did you encounter?

I wouldn't see myself making any sort of money on it, i think the time commitmemt for that is "entrepreneur small business start-up" levels of all-consuming.. But at the same time, I'm almost 48 years old and i think younger men may be able to benefit from my experience and observations about women, life, and creating their own success in a world that progressively seems to want to tear them down and subjugate them.

Anyways. Just me spitballing.