Today I have officially realize that I have to walk away from the mother of my first and only child , even tho I feel like we had no real issues in our relationship that warrants for a break up ,she saw it otherwise while I was able to take accountability for anything I did she would not (one or the reasons I realize this isn’t going to work ) I realized that me and her will never see eye to eye and I think every man has come to this realization everything I did ,I did it for the family because I believe if two parents our in sync with each other it gives better outcomes for the child they gave birth too ,while I believe that she spent the relationship trying to find the worst in me to validate her reasons for not wanting to be in sync , but while doing it for the family I saw that she did it as a single mother while we were a “family” even today I caught her mentioning how she’s tryna get a career and shit to have a better life for her and our daughter and that’s when I called her out on this bull shit and it hit me that these women are only for themselves and the kid while us men do what we do for the betterment of the group they single us out when they are supposed to be for the family “the group” and for that reason I’m leaving and will not be dealing with anymore relationships with women I’m going mgtow if I do deal with them it would just be to fuck , I just want to focus on bettering myself and being their for my daughter and let these career women continue to destroy themselves trying to put being strong and independent with money over the family they all later regret not picking when they decline in their old age.