I'm only 18, but I think I have been MGTOW ever since I entered my teens and I realized that there isn't really any benefits to dating or getting married, though I didn't know this concept of MGTOW existed until now.

It just seems so absurd to me, the dating scene (especially nowadays) is absolutely FUCKED, I have heard the phrase "the bar is literally on the floor for men, all they have to do is show an ounce of respect and a woman will fall head over heels for them" and seen so much shit about how all men are dangerous predators and I can't understand why guys even bother with relationships anymore. I could go on and on about how stupid that shit is, but I'm sure you guys understand what I'm talking about more than anyone.

None of that ever really bothered me that much until I experienced it myself though, and this memory will be forever seared into my mind.

To make a long story short, my mom was changing her shirt while me and my younger brother were in the room, and my older sister yelled "Why are you doing that? There are two fully grown boys here!", we weren't even looking at her or aware that she was changing, but I guess seeing my mom in a bra is perverted, not like I haven't seen it before anyways but whatever.

That statement just made me sick to my stomach for so many reasons, and it really makes me fear for young boys growing up in this era, being fed all this bullshit and being treated like they are creeps just because bad people who do bad things exist.

I found this sub purely by chance from a comment on a top post, and I'm so glad that I have because I thought I was the only guy who was thinking this way, it is really comforting knowing that I'm not the only one who thinks like this, because no one I know shares this mindset and they're always telling me that I'll get over it and start dating once I enter the "real world".

So yeah, this is kinda an appreciation/story post about me I guess, a lot of the posts here have opened my eyes to things that I subtlely saw but never truly grasped about life. I may not understand all the terminology and stuff yet, but it has already been a big eye opener, so thank you all for sharing your stories, it is a huge inspiration and shows me that what I want to achieve in life is possible.

Anyway, this post is getting long. I'm still really young, and I would really appreciate any life or MGTOW tips that you guys have to educate me more, because I'm slightly terrified of what will happen in the next 10-12 years of my life, and in the world, and I want to be as prepared as I can for the future, because it sure as hell doesn't look like it's going to be good.


Edit: Wow this post got a lot more attention than I was expecting it to, you all have given me great advice to follow, and I will be reading each comment and keeping this stuff in mind. I probably won't be able to reply to every comment, but again, thank you all so much!