Yes I like clickbait titles. Let's start off with an insightful quote:

Fat loss is inefficiency

Dan John

Assuming you are counting calories.

And you must count calories.

There are a few things to up your fat loss.

As long as you are counting calories.

Seriously: count calories.

That being said, the amount of calories you require each day is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). And it is not static. My own varies between 2,200 and 2,900kcals depending on some predictable variables and, as we know from part 1, that could total an extra 1.5lbs of fat lost a week.

The good thing about maxing out this category is it does not seem to impact recovery/gym performance the way that cutting calories or cardio would. I don't know about you but I fought for every ounce of muscle on my body and this should be reason enough to read on.

Part 2

Thermonuclear War

The most effective fat burners are usually high caffeine and/or derivatives of ephedrine like yohimbe bark.

You can get them in a GNC, Walmart, Amazon, wherever.

Anything with about 200-400mg caffeine is pretty strong medicine.

Personally yohimbe makes me sweat buckets while “on” and insane with hunger when “off” so the juice isn’t quite worth the squeeze.

The old school fat burning stack, Ephedrine Caffeine Aspirin (ECA), seems to have less side effects for me but I also consider it more “liquid cardio” which impacts recovery so I am choosing some softer alternatives instead:

  1. Caffeine on the reg: either coffee throughout the day or caffeine pills. Shooting for 200mg every two hours. I’ll cut it off about 12-2pm depending on jitters.\*
  2. Eat my greens: most vegetables are made up of insoluble fibre. You can’t “burn it” for energy but it takes energy to digest. I am a lazy fuck so this is going to be once a day at dinner. But I’ll do something relatively big like a whole head of broccoli.
  3. Eat my protons: protein has a higher thermic effect (TEF) while digesting. So irregardless of hitting Brodin’s 1g/lb bodyweight, I know I will get a better result if I push this to 50%+ of my daily intake.

I'm not going to track fat and carbs because I habitually hit an adequate amount of fats on any given day and carbs are non-essential.

I’ll make sure I continually ramp those factors up as the cut goes on.

Ephedrine is now illegal in most of the world but word to the wise: Bronkaid or other cold/flu medicines contain the optimum dose. My wife unwittingly brought some home from the local pharmacy in Europe the other day (where everything awesome is banned) and I will be hitting them up towards the end of my cut if energy is flagging.

\ Note the caffeine part has been quite well quantified and 100mg caffeine every two hours for 12 hours, burns an extra 150kcal a day. Double the dose and it’s 300kcal/day i.e. 0.3 to 0.6 extra lbs lost per week or another 4lbs over 60 DoD alone. Just from drinking coffee. This shit works.*

Your calorie expenditure from exercise is obvious but fairly low. Don't forget for all the whopping 300kcal you burn during a one hour workout, you would have burned 200kcal just staying alive i.e. the net improvement is a paltry 100kcal for one day. But there is hope and that is for you to:

Become a NEAT Freak

Very difficult to quantify precisely but I know that increasing my Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) should nudge things without impacting lifting or quality of life.

Drinking cold water, fidgeting, chewing 0 calorie gum. There are thousands of options. Google it for ideas. This shit, while clearly not the backbone of a successful cut, is another 100-300kcal per day I can either max out or lose.

Personally, I don’t want to act like a fucking tweeker all day so I’m going to take the train to work (that means 20min of walking and 10min of standing on the train twice over), I’ll also take a 30min walk at lunch and drink more water throughout the day. The final one is good because it will have some kind of TEF as well as get me up from my desk more: both to get it and get me up to piss it out.

I recommend you Google NEAT strategies, or just think about it, and committ to three things you can do daily.

Good news for couch potatoes:

Tim Ferriss has (allegedly) made extensive research into ice baths and found that a substantial amount of the fat loss benefits can be gained simply from an ice pack on your upper back.

These simple, everyday things should bump up, or maintain a TDEE about 500kcal above the theoretical baseline. Which, as we now know, equates to an extra 1lb of fat lost every week.

If you've now read Part 1 and 2. Congratulations: you now know how to be less fat and lean out over a few weeks and months.

However, if you came late in life to RP, are the average American or another variety of Fatty Mc Fats, fear not: there is a magic way to dump the weight quickly and I'll cover it in Part 3.

Until then gentle reader.

Credit: Berkhan again and a full discussion on additional protein, fibre and whatnot in his recent book.

EDIT: added links to other parts and bolded takeaway.