Read the entire article @ TheFamilyAlpha:

I recently read this post and it reminded me of how unprepared a majority of my friends and family are in the event of a disaster.

This is quite disheartening as when you look over the current affairs in the United States – it looks like shit is likely to go down eventually. There is no excuse for being unprepared as I am telling you right now – again – shit is eventually going to hit the fan.

Whether that means there is rioting in your city, a major hurricane, getting stranded on the highway in a snowstorm, something is going to happen and as a man and the leader of your family, you are expected to get everyone through the suffering with as little physical and mental damage as possible.

Masculine Men (Leaders) Know What to Do – Even when They Don’t

If you read the linked post you’ll notice that the dude took all of the brunt work on himself – yet he expected and clearly articulated to his family what their roles were (and yes they all had a job to do, none of this women & children being exempt from labor).

He walked the neighborhood, scoping out the highest ground in the event of flooding, and did some recon to find any exit pathways (unfortunately they were flooded). My point is this – he had already planned this in his mind. At some point during his commutes, his workdays, his weight lifting sessions – this dude thought of what he would do if shit hit the fan.

You need to be prepared and in order to be prepared you need to run through mental exercises where you envision something bad happening and how you’ll respond.

If you’re a dad I’m sure you’ve watched your kid walk along a rock wall or some other ledge balancing as they go. In your mind you’ve already mapped out where you’ll step, which hand you’ll use, and where you’ll grab if the kid were to fall. This is where ‘Dad Reflexes’ come from, Fathers are in tune with their surroundings and specifically with what their family members are doing. You’ve pictured your kid falling from that wall 400xs so when it happens, boom you seem like you’ve got some premonition and were able to get there as soon as it happened.

Implement this same ‘Dad Reflex’ on a much more broad and serious scale.

Do you have a medical kit in your car? What about your home?

Do you have flashlights, candles, batteries, lamps, food, or a fire extinguisher in your home?

I could go on for pages with lists, gear, and reasons behind each – but that is not the point of this post. If you’d like a list of items, look at any of the ‘prepper’ sites that are out there. It doesn’t matter whether these people are worried about an EMP, Tornado, or some other nuclear fallout. Take the information that is applicable to you, look at the gear they have chosen to include, and find out why. Then look at yourself and ask the question, am I prepared?

In my Jeep I have a first aid kit, flashlight, knife, and a few other car essentials. If I drive by a car accident, I can help. If I’m at the playground and my kid eats shit jumping off the slide, I can help, if I have to batten down the hatches because of a storm and someone gets hurt, we’re good – I’m prepared.

You need to be confident in saying the same. Take a look at your house. Do your wife and kids know where the fire extinguisher is? Do they know where your water reserve is? Do you even have a reserve of water in case you lose power/water? What about lanterns or flashlights?

Disasters are similar to family vacations: The difference between a stress free vacation and a getaway that sucks is planning. You have to plan for the kids, plan for the wife, and never have that what do we do now moment – because that’s where the tears, arguments, and rage sets in.

The same goes for disasters.

If you have a nasty hurricane headed your way, you can greatly reduce the stress you and the rest of your family experiences by being prepared and planning. If you lose power for 4 days and are stuck in your house you’ll need entertainment, food, water, hygiene, etc.

Have a plan and fill your role as the man.

Read the rest of the article @ TheFamilyAlpha:

Also, I’ve gotten involved with twitter, so if you want a little bit more personal look into TFA & have Twitter, check it out: