Back before the red pill I tried to negotiate for sex and one thing I promised was that if we got an awesome sex life we could have a 3rd child. She's always wanted a 3rd child, though at the time she was very unsure if she actually wanted one (she was probably unsure of my fitness).

Now I'm bringing the alpha she's getting totally broody. She's been asking me if we should start making a baby soon. She's asking and it seems important to her that I want one too. But if I know my wife right she'll be pushing more and more and eventually bring up my promise; though to be fair I don't know my wife that well anymore, she's so different from who she was and maybe she'll just accept I don't want another child.

And I really don't want another child. It's not going to happen. I don't want me and my wife to be spread thin - I want us to have time for ourselves, each other and the two children we have.

If she brings up my promise, I'm just going to tell the truth: it was a promise made under duress. A dead bedroom is emotional torture and on top our childrens' happiness was under threat too because we were heading for divorce.

Does anyone have experience with something like this? Since it involves reproduction this might be a minefield - I've seen her completely blow up only once since the red pill and that was about our children.