Background: Mid 30s, LTR, no kids, Swallowed the RP over a year ago, resisted going rambo and slowly began implementing sidebar. Noticed slow improvements but things began to stall out around 9 months in.

Current situation: Internalizing the RP concepts and implementing the reading has improved 'me' significantly. I'm in the best place I've ever (excellent job), fitness (muscular, sub 12% BF), hobbies, friends, etc. Relationship has also improved- I've noticed she's beginning to operate more in my frame but while the quantity of sex has increased, the overall quality remained lackluster. Hard "No" rejections remained and I sensed that she just wasn't attracted to me enough. Starfish, which had been on the decline, actually increased over the past few months. Over the past year I reminded myself to give her time to catch up and that it may take time for her to respond. Dread levels slowly progressed to 8. She doesn't respond. After one recent particularly callous hard no rejection, something inside me was nothing she hadn't done before but it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I decided to check out...emotionally, I was done. I had invested over a year improving myself only to see marginal response from my LTR while all the other 'hotter, younger, tighter' types were literally throwing themselves at me. I ran the Dread straight up to 11 and acted the part. She sensed that almost immediately and when she called me out on it, I told her I had been looking elsewhere.

This was the level of Dread that it took to get a response from her...she's obviously wounded by the whole thing but her demeanor has changed. She realized she could lose me/was losing me. She realized I had readily available options (I don't think she thought this before), and perhaps she realized that my SMV was higher.

So, here is where I'm looking for feedback- How many of you have successfully brought a relationship back from the brink on level 11? For those that did, what advice can you offer? Was it worth it? For those that didn't, what did you realize/learn about yourself after the breakup?