Yesterday started out as a perfectly normal day. I took the family to the gym first thing in the morning. Hit my PR's in SL as usual. We all went to a nice breakfast restaurant and then to the game. Since I have returned from a business trip we have been fucking like rabbits. Keeping to the usual routine, we both take an unspoken hiatus on FRI and generally would last for two to three days. You know, to cut down on chaffing for me and letting her body build back up fluids :D. Alpha as fuck to take care of your health.

Tingles #1

We were waiting in line with my son to take his basketball pictures with his team. There were about 5 other teams in the pavilion waiting for pictures. All of the sudden this wife just lit into her husband. About a water bottle.... She castrated this man(?) (another teams coach) in front of the whole place. Specifically because he opened a bottle of water and already had one open. She was none too happy that he decided to willfully waste the free water bottles. The look on his face was one of defeat and she was like a rabid pitbull. I am probably standing five feet away with my wife and son. My wife grabs my attention and has this look of "oh my god, this is happening in front of our son". I look over and lock eye contact with that wife and just start laughing. Opened my water and started chugging it. She got embarrassed, noticing that everyone was now staring at her. The husband retreats off to his team. Wife and I joke about it for the whole time we are in the picture line. Wife got the tingles #1 presumably because I was able to hold frame and defuse the whole situation without even causing a bigger problem. Maybe the tingles were from the whole she see's what she used to be married to and what she has now. Gentlemen, where the tingles for you come from, matters not. Tingles are tingles are tingles.

Tingles #2

Moving into the game building. My son is not being very aggressive and assertive in the game so I have taken three days a week to work on him being more elbowy and pushy. Wife likes to come watch me turn him into a man. I am doing the same on the court and the wife actively despises the coaches inability to teach the kids how to properly ball. Tingles #2. Stepping and teaching my son while the other dads stay content with losing every game. Her watching me step up and assert myself in front of the group of dad's to further our offspring success. Im not really sure why she likes that, but she does. When I return to the wall she grabs me around the waist and saddles up real close. The other ladies must have been checking me out. The other dad's just lean against the wall and do nothing. All the while making sure I don't interfere with other kids or the coach. Don't be that guy.

Tingles #3

Yelling at the son off the side of the court and having loads of fun. During the game. Reminding him to jump for rebounds, hands up, lock out, etc.. etc... He starts listening all of the sudden and he has the best game of his young life. Multiple assists, all (yes all) the rebounds, and scores several points. Miles away from where he was. The wife hates when I do that and all of the sudden it clicks for our son and bam, wife is onboard 100% and keeps mentioning that none of the other people are helping of course telling anyone who will listen how bad the coach is. I correct the scoreboard a couple of times and the ref even comes to ask me how to fix the time because the operator forgot to stop the clock on a timeout. Even one of the single mom's comes over to stand by us and talk to my wife. Which itself is unusual because no one ever talks to anyone there. There is probably a further lesson into why this single mom wanted to be seen with my wife. I just don't know enough about those dynamics.

Tingles #4

The game is over and I forget to grab my sons water bottle. Technically he forgot to grab it. Wife goes to start in on me about forgetting another water bottle. She forgot the first one. She is also bitching because I didnt ask about the schedule changes from the coach. All shit tests are foreplay. She needs to keep checking if the changes are real. My wife doesn't know about MRP, and I will never talk about it. I just laugh it off and remind her teasingly that she forgot the first ever lost water bottle. This would have been number two. I also went on about how we should buy like 50 bottles and turn this into a basketball ritual. Lol. I had alot of fun with that and got her to laugh about it too. Shit test passed.

Just to top off the basketball day, the athletic director cold approached me and asked me to coach a team on the next mini basketball season. I agreed to coach under a few conditions, which he readily agreed and my wife just goes on and on about how I would be a great coach.

Take away

You know when you see a man being a man, and you are impressed, and you say "I should have been doing that". Well be the man who does that. Stop talking, start doing. Be the man you look up to. Don't be content with sitting on the sidelines and working on your home game. Your visiting game is even more important for your well being and redpill journey.

Finally, I did something more important than even tingles. For the first time in 8 months I let my wife know she is mine. We were driving home after the game and I reached across the truck, grabbed her hand, told her she is mine, and kissed her hand. She blushed and kept her hand on my thigh the entire ride home. She blushed and said thank you, and she told me how awesome it was I kissed her ring hand. Yep, that night, we had awesome sex. I fucked her hard, tied up her hands, and choked her (lightly). Think she still wants that divorce?