It works on Blue Pill men too.

I'm hitting my work harder than I have for a long time to make sure I set up my future rather than meandering along. Of course, owning your shit at work gets the brown-nosing blue pill douche coworkers offside.

Coworker: "Why did you do X for the client? They didn't want that done at all. [boss] will be pissed." (Assumption that situation a week ago was still in place, not asking if things had changed) Me: "Oh crap, you might be right. I shouldn't have done it. I'll have to undo those changes." Coworker: "I'll go see [boss] and see what we can do to fix it" Me: "That won't look good in my review."

Coworker knob trundles off to talk to boss about a change that was made after discussions with client when I got to work early that morning and had already discussed it with the boss.

Coworker returns sullen with a brief apology. He starts being MY little brown noser for the rest of the day.

Practice your fogging and AM on them when they get their knickers in a knot. It's a great way to get your technique honed. The bonus is that if your boss knows you're owning your shit, any whining from the BPers is usually fobbed off or it counts against them.

A word of warning: Use it ONLY on the BP men. Do not use this on the females in your office, you will be playing with fire.