So if you haven't read the first two in this series of fuck knows how many ...[It starts here] ( I'd recommend beginners start here. If you don't pass the abc filter just below, this is where you should go.

Hello fellow intermediaries. I'm not an expert. I'm an intermediary like you. You've read the other posts (and upvoted) you know you are

a) getting laid more and better

b) have higher or equal SMV than the Mrs (you are married or in an LTR with kids)

c) the Mrs knows this (your SR. Is equal or higher)

Here's how I, an intermediary, have thought and acted whilst being in this scenario.

An action you take with the intent of a change in alpha or beta is a move.

Actions you take without this intent can also be scored as moves. But making a move is doing it intentionally, or off the cuff but with the model in mind.

Alpha is the primal stuff, all genetic/evolutionary/imprinted behaviours. Lust. Panty wetting stuff. PUA or natural game or physical differential. Its dominance. Underlaid by dopamine.

Beta (or at least "good beta", you have to be careful) is relationship comfort. Safe place for a family. Ability to provide resources. In the modern world that's money. Feeling like you are in a secure and stable place. It's also long term history with each other, and bonds provided by that, underlaid by the oxytocin system in women and vasopressin in men.

As an MRP intermediate you want to maximise both if you wish to continue in your marriage. If you want to build it into a granite boulder of a relationship.

If you want to bail, bail. Here is some information on how from an awesome poster /u/dr_warlock 's Divorce, Alimony and Child Support

If you're in. You're in. You're an intermediate now. You're going to have to make your mind up.

You are driving the plane now. Where are you going to drive it ? Or are you going to grab a chute and....

"Ladies and gentlemen,I am your pilot and this is your air safety briefing. if you see me jump through this little hatch. Please follow me quickly"

You're in, right ?

OK. You're goal is to be some A1000 level and B1000 level god of gods/superman/badass motherfucker (the MF bit literally). You want to be Ruler of all domains. This is important to you.

We're all aware of Chad Thundercocks approaches from the high alpha terrain. He'll beat you without good alpha on your part. But you can't out alpha him. He's single. He's got plates. He goes to the gym 5 days a week rather than 3. Combine a good alpha level on your part, with a good beta level that Chad can't provide... You've got a better defence.

For this to work she HAS to know that if she ever gets caught with Chad that beta is really gonna go. 'Cos you're already high alpha, she knows that. You must have high alpha, but if you do high beta gives you an edge on Chad.

There are also dangers from an unexpected source. Nice guys are lurking. "Come for a coffee, I'm a good listener. I love to talk about women's stuff" guys. Guys who we all know, because most of us were them, who are saying "we should chat" but who are really thinking "ok. How do I turn this friend zone into a fuck. I'm getting really into this girl".

Yes, those old Weasely weasels some of us were are a threat. If they're alpha enough to actually propose the coffee, and have the chats, probably in secret, they're definitely a threat. This is particularly true as your wife was susceptible to YOUR old weak ass approaches, at least one worked. She probably vulnerable to an approach like this if you were a guy like this when you approached her, but have since alpha'd the fuck up.

These guys are hanging the promise of beta out there to get a fuck and they're alpha enough to chance their arm. You need to have the beta at a level where she just doesn't need it from him, she's getting her fill from you.

Alpha absolutely helps keeping these guys at bay... But they're attacking in alphas weak spot. They are offering beta, not alpha as the "fuck hook" to reel them in. You plug that with good beta. This guy has NO power if she feels she can confide in you. He can't get his hook in.

Here's the system to work into that A1000,B1000 king of all domains place. You pull A+,B+ moves. Adding A+,B0's whenever you can. Might be able to throw some A+,B- moves in if you think it'll help. Those are the moves you want.

A+,B+ will forever more be the "oak move". (Thanks u/strategos_autokrator)

This is now your goal move. You get alpha and beta. You want to pull as many of these as you can.


Be an oak ! When she rails against the world, or the world rails against you, provide stoic calm from a strong frame (A+). Be her rock. And when the storm abates, hold her and say "I'll get us through this. You're safe." (B+).

Providing a safe environment/provisioning with a manly activity. Shoot a fucking deer and drag the carcasse in and onto the dinner table. "I got dinner, honey". Repair the house with loud and dangerous tools. Use tools with names your wife doesn't understand like "high torque reciprocal allen wrenches". Grunt. You know the drill.

If you've got the cocky/funny (my major strength). In an alpha move, use an alpha joke setup (A+) but Pull the alpha punch at the end and use a beta punchline. TRPers will hate this as you lose a lot of alpha from the alternative ending, but it can be a better move for MRP intermediates. If you think about things with my method you can do this off the cuff.... (FR: not pre-planned, off the cuff)

~talking about an on screen singer on a talent show with loud buzzy buttons~

TGP: she can sing..... She also really hot. Phoah. Nice. Bzzzzzzzzzzt for her. ~mimes pushing button~(moderately alpha, looking at other girls stuff)

Wife: oh, yeah. (Incredulous look... Clearly a little taken aback)

TGP: you're hotter than her (blush... Consternation from her... The other girl is clearly a SMV 9, my wife knows she's better looking. Beta +)

Wife: Really ? (puzzled)

TGP: Only because I got the wife goggles for you, babe. ~She laughs and blushes. I lean in and grab a kiss~. (Alpha from making her laugh and cocky funny... Beta from relationship comfort, knowing I got the wife goggles.)

I also, pushed some thinking in her mind about her SMV relative to woman on screen and me which is a current objective of mine. "Look at our SMV differential. But you're hot because my wife goggles improve your SR."

[in TRP world, or in an MRP world where SMV is against you this is a TERRIBLE move. In TRP I massively nerfed my alpha gains, the A+ punchlines are around "she's hotter than you and I could get her". In beginner MRP I'd just look like a sucky up beta orbiter. That's why I needed the SMV/SR Seive. To show moves like this that only work in scenarios with intermediate assumptions. This move would score differently for a bad SMV differential beginner]

The ultimate long term oak move is to get a promotion at work that means higher status (A+) and higher pay (B+). If you can swing a gig managing people, particularly large numbers of people, you'll also get lots of extra "free" alpha points through dominance advantages and being "important and busy". OTOH If You get an extra big pay rise, that's a great big pile of beta right there.

Intermediates are big boys. You can take it from here, develop your natural game. Work out your own oak moves.

A+,B0 will be the "alpha move"

Standard TRP move. Show alpha. The moves you've been pulling all along. Show her you're a man. Don't provide comfort, just be a fucking man and make sure she sees it. I'm not sure this needs more yet.

A+,B- is "alpha'ing up" trading beta for alpha

Standard beginner TRP/MRP move. You've been a beta for God knows how long, have a beta bank at 1 million beta, but fuck all alpha. Trade it in !

"We're going to start doing things my way around here, and that includes the sex too, or here are the divorce papers" is the "nuclear bomb" of this move. Whoosh, there goes all your comfort baby. Here stands before you a man. A+100, B-500 maybe.

You also do this in lots of small ways...... She's just yakking and yakking and yakking. You just walk away. "I'm busy. I've got things to do". Up the alpha (dominance A+), down the beta (rapport break, limits to your ability to care, B-). These are excellent beginner moves as they want to actively shed beta for alpha. But if you are an MRP intermediate you now have to consider whether this is a good move for you.

Don't you want to trade this for an A+, B+ move ? Or an A+, B0 move ? She's just yakking and yakking and yakking. You give her a kiss and a hug. Then just walk away. "I'm busy. I've got things to do". Isn't that a better move for you now , that hug and a kiss got some beta in there. And if you didn't ask and just took it might even have hit on some extra alpha. ? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Intermediates are big boys. Fucking work it out yourself.

I'd recommend that most beginners should keep this move A+,B- ... Intermediates should make their own mind up. /u/theultimatecad is the king of this move, go read his stuff if you want to learn more. Any poster with a "Hard Core Red" flair is great to listen to on this. I can't really advise here well as I rarely pull these moves anymore.

A0,B+ is the "beta move" (and only extremely rarely a good idea)

"Here's your morning cup of tea honey."

Surely you don't need examples here. I bet you can think of approximately a billion examples from your old self. "Here honey. Feel safe. I'm just going to go wank over here in the corner" moves. Maybe advanced MRP players can pull this move and make it a positive, but my personal intermediate experience says this is still a bad move. It can trigger memories of the old you. We all do it. Just minimise.

Sometimes it can't be avoided... Tomorrow is UK Mother's Day. I'll be on A0,B+ mode all day because she's a great mum. I'd try to slip some alpha in but it's shark week so my room for alpha manoeuvre is limited. Sometimes these are the only moves due to external circumstance but don't make a habit of it.

In other circumstances, Is there no way to turn this into an "A+, B+" move ?

"Here's your morning cup of tea honey. Now [no kids around] flash us your tits (don't care if she does, just adding alpha. OI if she doesn't) OR [cockblocks present] give us a kiss, ~peck~. No, a proper one ~lean in 3/4, let her come for final 1/4 ... Smooch~" ?

This will work because you're an intermediate big boy, and you're hotter than your wife and she knows it. She'll probably show you her tits as well which is a bit of a bonus frankly because it's not the point. But if you're still a beginner or have fucked up your SR calculation this move might fail, or suck, or both fail and suck and set off a screetchtard. You need to have passed the seive in post II.

A0,B0 is just,basically, "no move" or "failed move with no benefits"

You just took the garbage out. Just part of your day. No biggie. Or you tried to pull an "alpha move" but bailed or cocked it up slightly. No biggie.

No score (because not everything's a move) or if a bail, correct and move on.

A0,B- is a "failed alpha move" or possibly "bad beta move"

You cocked up an alpha move badly. You didn't get the alpha, and you broke rapport or scared her. Maybe you lost frame and got passive aggressive.

These are not good moves. Correct your mistake and get back on the horse. No one wants these moves.

A-,B0 is just, basically the "being a pussy" move

Not standing up for yourself. If "A+, B0" is showing her you're a man..... This is showing her you are a pussy.

"hi honey, here's the cup of tea you ordered me to make in that screetch of yours when you're really mad. Hope you like it"

She's not even getting any beta because the tea wasn't the point. Making you look like a pussy was the point. She got you to do the "being a pussy" move, lowered your alpha, and got fuck all beta from the tea. You just stone cold lost.

There is no benefit to this. If you're doing this on the regular go back to the beginner stuff and work on your game, frame and passing shit tests. This one ain't going to show you her tits yet.

A-,B- is the "omega move (thanks to u/bluepillprofessor")

The ultimate "my major problem is actually myself" indicator.

I played video games all night and did not interact with my wife.

I followed her around like a sick puppy, desperate for the tiniest flicker of attention.

I'm beta orbiting her and am friend zoning myself.

Something happened with the kids and I panicked and was fucking useless, she saved the day.

Fucking stop it dude. (And I'm not perfect. I pick my nose in front of my wife. Pure omega move)

This is a beginner loop thing. Cut this shit out or go back to being a beginner.

However I also have to sound a note of caution. Remember back in the last post when I said not all intermediates are created equal ? Do you have a crack in your relationships wing ? THAT can also be a source of omega moves. Moves that, perhaps for other people would score differently, but for you are omega moves.

Pressing too hard for sex when there is a genuine medical/abuse issue. In my case smoking cigarettes in front of my wife is an omega move due to a structural issue (that's a "flashing light" in the plane I have). Structural problems with the plane can hit moves.

If you've got a big crack, assess very carefully. You can do moves that make her feel less turned on by you and have less comfort in the relationship. (Like you smelling of smoke like a dumbass). If she's got a history of sexual abuse asking to see her tits may not go down well.

You're a big boy now, an intermediate. Make a judgement call.

How do we like the taxonomy/system ? Anyone ready to work with this ?

We've got the motive....We're married. We're in. We're building this shit out of granite.

We've got the means....We're intermediates with our shit together. We know how to do this.

We've got the opportunity... The resources are here, all around us, and the wife is just there. Sitting probably less than 20ft away. We've got everything we need.

We now have a shared language.

We can now make assumptions that posters are already getting laid more and better, have a positive SMV, have a positive SR.

Their plane is straight and level and the pilot is in control.

How could we use this system to achieve our objectives to be the best men we can be ?

I've had more thought on this, available in my AWALT post

If you like my stuff upvote and move on...

MRP Intermediates for the win !

Next in Series - IV - Natural Game