It’s been an interesting couple weeks. I am getting mixed signals.

Over the weekend last she had an argument. She decided we were going to Disney on vacation. I told her the money wasn’t there (paying for her schooling).

Argument ensued. Every situation I failed at leadership brought up. Accused of being a controlling male. All very normal things for her to say.

I was able to calm her down in order to have a some what lucid non-emotional discussion. I gave her the Captain/First Officer speech and my vision and mission for the family.

She wasn’t on board with it. she wants 50/50 and won't accept less.

I am thinking this is a reaction to her loosing control. That it's an effort on her part to bring me back in. Not sure...but...seems that way. But then this....

In retaliation at some point in the week, she opened her own account and redirected her pay check there.


She then declared we are going to marriage counseling in August. Not sure how to handle that, seems an over reaction to me. I am not afraid of counseling….but then again I don’t feel like wasting the money on it either. That's when revealed she feels like we are close to divorce, and she has mentioned it twice since then.

Is dread working? Seems odd to think since the above discussion and not being on board with the Captain model, but she decided to take a year off school because of the stress on the family. Since she started back full time and working midnights at the hospital she’s stressing out because she doesn’t see me often during the week. She is cooking, cleaning, and trying to be more participatory in the house activities again. It’s all a half assed attempt really but I am not criticizing yet. I don’t want to stomp the effort unless it doesn’t improve. I am going to give it more time.

Any how, awesome Fathers Day weekend. I put some new equipment in my garden dojo. I built a wing chung wooden dummy and made some additional gear for hojo undo. I also got permission from my sensei to start my own dojo. I have no long term plans to go commercial but I have had requests from people that can’t train at “regular” hours. I can accommodate….but then he told me that’s how it always starts.