22 y/o that just graduated college.

I'm four months into my first relationship and I'm struggling with my partner with social competence. A lot of my early life, I spent a lot of time playing video games and was a rather socially isolated dude. It wasn't until college that I got a little bit of exposure to the 'outside' world, but it seems that it still really wasn't enough. A lot of pop cultural references go over my head, I don't have many hobbies, and my social circle is quite limited. I basically feel like I was living under a rock for most of my life.

While I'm happy in my relationship, there's often not a lot for us to discuss these days. I work a 9-5, do some weightlifting after work, and do the households chores before bed. I want to have more to say, but I don't even know what to talk about. I'm just quiet now that we know each other. I don't want to be boring, but I think that's exactly what I am now.

Any advice? I feel like I'm 10-15 years behind on people skills due to my old ways as a kid.