Marriedredpill won't last forever

Honestly, I love this place, and have almost finished my second book. If you don't know, Fuccfiles was a book I wrote a year back, describing my old days of pick up and how I went from average frustrated sailor all the way to sleeping with women, eventually settling down with the woman I'm still with today after 13 years.

The professor has also written a book on Dread Game, or the process of teaching a man to stop being taken for granted in a sexless relationship. I read it and it's the best we have so far, but it's far from what I wanted. Many of the older guys in these forums have been through the meat grinder and can talk about that more.

So as a second book I was aiming at writing a better description of Dread Game, with help from a decade in this forum and more guys than I can name. Concepts that have been here for years:

  • The tetrahedron of Frame
  • What we mean when we talk about Dread: the Scoreboard
  • Passive Dread
  • Active Dread
  • The problems that men have (1000 foot tow rope, chiuldren with dynamite, catch and release, demoting wife to plate)

Some stuff from Jacktenofhearts, some stuff from UltmateCAD, UeMcgill, Steelsharpenssteel, bluepillprofessor, whinemoreplease, bogeyd6, strategos, Archwinger, Whisper, countpoodyoola, ford_contour, alphabeta79, alphaasWorf, iamstevemcqueen and a hundred more. As I got near the end of Dread I found out there is a real chance that this stuff is disappearing. It's getting harder and harder to find all this stuff.

So the Book has expanded scope, and is now more like a codification of the Married Red Pill. e.g.

  • Why Father Knows Best is better than the Captain First Officer dynamic
  • Why Overt Dread is counter productive
  • Why Frame is so hard to describe but easy to see?
  • What is the Main event and how do you pass it?

If you're curious I'd ask you to subscribe and I'll be emailing out excerpts for a few more months as I finish off the editing so you can follow it along yourself.

Is this place better or worse than it used to be?

I know there's some rumblings about whether the new crop of men are better than the old crop. I can't say, you're more than welcome to opine though. I do know that almost no one who has been here for less than 2 years know who vampiresquidina is, or why she's important, or what you can learn from sepean and the amount of shit he got for holding Frame against a world angry that he didn't go back to a life of sexless desperation. Why UltmateCAD showed how sometimes you can be the worst human being in the world and thats exactly what your wife wanted from you in the first place. Why AlphaAsWold is a cautionary story for guys who can't calibrate. The beter beta divorce guide is on the sidebar, but there'sa hundred more guides like it that are just ... gone. I have a hundred different examples and they are all fading away.

Should all go as planned, it will be a new book on the sidebar that will have EVERYTHING that men have learned in this forum over a decade, and endure after Reddit Decides to actually ban Red Pill, instead of just quarantining and banning all the members from random subreddits.

so I guess I'll end this with ... thanks. I've always said this place is a take a penny, leave a penny type space. I think I'll consider myself square after this.