The VA Inspector General writes:

During this review, we presented crime awareness briefings for 351 employees. These briefings covered procedures for reporting suspected criminal activity to the OIG and included case-specific examples illustrating procurement fraud, conflicts of interest, and bribery.

Combined Assessment Program Review of the Charles George VA Medical Center Asheville, North Carolina

Thank you to the members of /r/mensrights for the action you have taken to bring awareness to the appearance of crime at the VA.

Thanks in part to your efforts, the VA Inspector General is providing "crime awareness briefings"

Please consider continuing to seek justice for veterans, including through the use of Action Opportunities, such as:

Action Opportunity: End Organized Crime Against Veterans Whose Lives and Health Depend on the VA Choice Program

Action Opportunity: End the Appearance of Psychological Care as Punishment at Veterans Affairs

Action Opportunity: Investigate Possible Hate Crimes: VA OIG Report Shows Possible Targeting of Secret Phoenix VA Wait Lists To Selectively Kill Men Veterans

Action Opportunity: End Organized Crime Against Veterans Including Medical Test Request Destruction and Mail Fraud

Action Opportunity: Veteran's Affairs: Schedule Manipulation Persists in Omaha, Disabled Veterans Left Soiled in Detroit

Action Opportunity: Investigate Possible Gender or Gender Identity Motivated Hate Crimes at Veterans Affairs

Action Opportunity: Investigate the Appearance of Ongoing Organized Crime at Veterans Affairs

Action Opportunity: End the Appearance of Criminal Corruption at the Veterans Administration

Action Opportunity: Call for Criminal Investigations at the Veteran's Administration, Urge the VA-IG to Act as an Independent and Objective Watchdog, End "Blatant Deceit" at the VA.

Related results:

Action Opportunity Update: Criminal Probe at Philadelphia VA After /r/MensRights Complaints of the Appearance of Crime There

Thank you also to the members of the Facebook groups "VA is Lying" and "Friends of Protection for Men" for their participation in these action opportunities.