Lately I've been having a blast at TwoX amusing myself, comparing what women and men complain about. I think it would be a great idea for a website to highlight the struggles of both men and women.

Thanks to caitiecat for her post, i hate my boobs for inspiration.

Here's part of my reply:

While women who join the military worry about their big tits weighing them down, men who join the military worry about...


caitiecat's worry: Good bras cost a bit too much for a teen on minimum wage, sadly. Wish I could afford a good one, though

A male's worry: Food costs a bit too much for a teen on minimum wage paying "child support" to a baby momma who doesn't work and never lets me see my children, sadly. Wish I could afford a place to live.

caitiecat's worry: I don't think I'd ever go for a reduction- I'm not a huge fan of sharp objects going into me (i.e. needles and scalpels) and so don't intend to ever have any nonessential surgeries. I tried upping my workout to make them smaller, but it didn't work.

A male's worry: I don't think I'd ever go for circumcision- I'm not a huge fan of sharp objects slicing off half of my functional, sensitive genital tissue and so don't intend to ever have any nonessential surgeries - oh wait, I never had a choice, and nobody cares. I tried regrowing my foreskin but can never fully restore what I've lost.

Can't a guy have a little fun in this society full of misandry?