If you hate women or if you engage in behaviours that show this, you are a misogynist.
If you engage in toxic actions or behaviour against women, and you are a woman, that is "internalised misogyny".
If you hate men or if you engage in behaviours that show this, you are a misandrist (I don't care if you think that's mispelled reddit. It is a word!)
If you engage in toxic actions or behaviour against men, and you are a man, that is "toxic masculinity".
Funny how it's not "internalised misandry" huh?
(this is obviously besides the fact that feminists seem to push this agenda that "toxic masculinity" is perpetrated by men against men... when it's fairly clear that more women engage in toxic masculinity than men do. judging by social media posts nowadays. I hate those sexist words so much but I am just using it for example.)
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