You'll have to have your browser translate, but it says:

The 42 percent of the population give fathers the right to legal abortion, ie a waiver of the legal and financial obligation to the child if the mother has led him to believe that she could not get pregnant during intercourse.

29 percent are not ready to give fathers the right to legal abortion, while 26 percent said 'do not know', and three percent do not want to answer.

In a Gallup poll from 2014 said seven out of 10 Danes 'yes' to legal abortion.

About the survey: The study was prepared on the basis of a total of 1,205 completed interviews with Danes aged 18 and above. The interviews are collected online at Epinions Denmark Panel in the period January 22 to 26 2016

Looks like if it happens anywhere sometime in the future, Scandinavia is most likely.