None of those pseudo-research departments have unique content, all of the subjects they pretend to investigate are already covered by the fields spanning the spectrum between biology and psychology.

The students of the pseudo-departments are not intellectually capable of processing and understanding the deep-science of the actual fields, and are taught in those pseudo-departments that pretending to understand a concept from basic science is acceptable - the lecturers demonstrate to students how they do this themselves.

In practice students are taught to redraft their uniformed, biased, prejudiced opinions, or paranoid perception or wishful self-image or stereotypical views, as a "theory" by throwing terms they don't understand as if they have a "specialty" (for example, they don't know how a human baby develops cognitively, emotionally and neuro-biologically into a toddler and then into a child, but would write seminars on effects of "socialization of children"; they don't know how a neuron and a brain operate, as this requires knowing some chapters in physics, but would write "theses" on brain function and "gender").

As an academic myself, I want you to know that today the letters "PhD" when preceding a woman's name are 90% of the time without substance. Preferential treatment ("equity") and invented non-academic departments made the title "PhD" a sham. I saw women with less understanding than a first-year undergrad accepted to professor positions.

We should acknowledge the problems of boys in schools, but as for academia, the female advantage is made mostly out of the inflation in superfluous political units that decorate women's CVs with "PhD" or "MA" for basically, being women. These titles 90% of the time mean less than a matriculation diploma.