My moms died when I was really young. I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle in Mississippi while my father was incarcerated for his role on her dissapearance and death. The entire time I lived there, the word "LOVE" was removed from my vocabulary, from my soul. By the age of 15, my uncle had all but beaten it out of me, burned it outta me and molested it outta me. It was a hot day, I remember it feeling so hot outside, as I stood just east of the garage in the shadow cast from the house. I thought I heard a scream as I drew nearer the front porch. Now, I could clearly hear rustling and activity as I approached the old screen door that was literally hanging on one hinge, being slammed so often by my uncle. Cans, void the Budweiser they had been full of littered the porch, having to kick a few aside myself as I reached for the front door to intrude. I dont know if was the smell of stale beer and sweat, or the iron from the amount of blood that was now dark almost purple as I noticed the stains all over my aunts dress, her standing and sobbing, beaten and bruised above what clearly had been my uncle, now deceased. As she saw me, she ran into my arms, collapsing at the same time. What in Gods name happened Arianna is the only thing that my mind could conceive to ask her as I tried to maneuver her weight onto the Davenport, next to the credenza. It honestly was no matter now, I already knew in my mind what had happened. Together, the both of us had been discussing what to do the next time either of us was physically, mentally, emotionally or sexually abused by uncle Jeff. Naively, we had hoped that we would both be present when and if there every was a "next time". Thank you for reading.....if you read this far, I truely thank you. I use my art in writing, painting and many other forms too bring about awaweness of abuse and exploitation on all levels. Sometimes its the shock value that gets ones attention. If you or anyone you love has experienced the horrors of what Im saying, then copy paste and share to bring awareness to those we hope NEVER do. God Speed