As of now Canada has 13 medals....only one, a bronze, was won by a male.

As it turns out this was done by design.

That wasn’t an accident, either. It was the result of a national plan, more than a decade in the making, to pinpoint certain sports in which Canada was more likely to medal and lavish those Olympians with the proper resources. As it turned out, many of them were women’s sports.

The point is "...with the proper resources.". If you pump money into the equation you end up getting more medals. A good example of this is Cuba - which has the highest medals per capita and allocates a lot of resources to the cause.

Here's another resource:

“It was done pretty deliberately, working with the sports federations to target the best medal opportunities. In that sense, we’ve strategically targeted women’s events.’’ There’s only so much funding money — for coaches, for training — to go around. Even B2ten, a privately funded enterprise that supports Canadian Olympians — wants return on their investment by prioritizing sports and athletes.

I understand that a privately owned company would want the "best return" for their money, but if lets say the genders were reverse? I bet you would see government interjecting. But in this case the government actually endorsed this plan.

Distributing resources equally between genders would seem like the way we would want to go - given that it's 2016. But in Canada's highly gynocentric culture that doesn't work.