Today, after thinking and trying to make a general topic about shallowness and empathy by appearance —human biases that I hate— had to come back because of... better make your own conclusion.

Wanting to bring attention to these biases, I decided to post the following topic on r/unpopularopinion...

Double standard on human worth

Imagine a woman in her twenties, pretty looking, homeless and with hunger.

Want to help her? save her?

Now imagine a man in his thirties, not pretty looking, homeless and with hunger.

I really hate how you will start to feel how he is less deserving of help, and I hate more how you'll eventually rationalize why he deserves less and it's less of a problem.

A couple users asked if this was about gender, ageism, attractiveness, etc...

There were comments within the first 5 minutes, then around minute 7 it was closed because “it is not a true unpopular opinion”.

I ask:

How can you tell an opinion is popular or not when you immediately close the post and won't let people confirm?

Sub replies:

By being reposted constantly.

Use the men's and women's issues megathread for "My gender has it the hardest" spam. No exceptions. Thanks

Could not find any post about the same topic, and spotted many reposts that weren't removed...

The only emphasis was gender, if you read the moderator's response.

But in fact this is about appearance and shallowness, but mentioning gender made moderation quickly feel a need to censor.

Why is it that many react so poorly when they feel they'll be asked to consider empathy for men?

This adds to the posts in the past weeks where members exposed how other subs seem to automatically ban people if they seem to participate in this sub.

Today the problem was asking for empathy making the mistake of making one character of the example male, that elicits the need to tell you: please move away so nobody will see you near us, you can't be in the front.

Then I said, well, predictable... moderators vs logic... then in a while I was also banned and muted; still no surprise.

Now let's try r/TrueOffMyChest, which seems more open to ideas than r/offmychest, maybe made for even less popular ideas, etc...

Post was removed immediately as it was posted. I expected the automated message telling me why the post was filtered, but nothing... simply removed by moderators instantly, no explanation.

I retried, immediately removed for no reason and no message.

Closed the subs and now I come to make this post.

Here's the only place where I can post and be sure that I'll let a conversation happen, people being honest and experiences being shared.

It's really sad to see how mainstream society try to socially quarantine people who simply show actual interest in the rights and equity for everybody.

Many claim they want equity, but for some reason you are disqualified if you are clear that you are concerned about men too. Can we call it contempt or disdain in denial?

Now discuss!