Due to be sentenced on 17th October, sentencing has been deferred on Elizabeth Holmes, currently free on bail after being found guilty of defrauding Theranos investors out of $900million, together with three charges of wire fraud. Here's how such women flip-flop through life, playing whatever trait is convenient. When they require money, they're feminine, flirting with investors such as Rupert Murdoch and Larry Ellison. To convince the markets, she acquires a much more masculine persona, dressing like Steve Jobs, being very assertive with staff (who are dependent on her for employment). Then, she gets caught. It becomes impossible to maintain all the deceptions which have been used to keep the investment coming in. She is a fraudster. But, people didn't want to believe that a woman could commit such a barefaced scam. As soon as the law begins to close in, she reverts to being feminine. 'Oh, I didn't want to do this! My abusive partner, Sunny Balwani, MADE me do it!!' When it becomes obvious that isn't going to get her off the hook, she plays the best feminine card of all - she gets pregnant. That 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card, which always seems to work. How can society jail a mother..?
During her 'assertive' phase, when she still had the lid on her scam, there was a British biochemist, Ian Gibbons, who realised that this woman was selling a crock of sh*t, and wanted her to fess up. He was hounded to his grave. Committed suicide.
A scam of nearly $1Billion. Manslaughter. What can't you get away with, if you can give birth?
[–]Fearless-File-3625 8 points9 points10 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]delocalelectron[S] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Morden013 8 points9 points10 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]furay10 6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link