My parents divorced when I was four, and the custody battle was, as it always seems to be, fierce. I don't remember much from when it happened, I was young, but my father retained primary custody by some miracle. I love my mother, but she was and is still very irresponsible and my dad is definitely the better parent. It pains me to see so many cases just default to giving the mother custody simply because she's a woman.

The popular idea of the clueless dad and the irresponsible father really do piss me off sometimes, because people start to assume that men are irresponsible and not taking care of a child on their own. My father took wonderful care of me, he worked two jobs to try and keep me living comfortably, and I never realized how hard he worked for my sake until I was older. He is my hero, and I know so many other men have great potential to be wonderful fathers, but its tragic when that potential isn't even considered when it comes to custody battles, it comes down to ovaries versus penis.

It's not fair, and I'm sorry.