Feminists are constantly doing bigoted, abusive things, but don't get held accountable. I'm fed up with the hate speech like "mansplaining," "male tears," or "toxic masculinity." They also resist all efforts to change family court to be more fair. Their "teach men not to rape" classes are absurd and are as bigoted as a "teach black men not to steal" classes would be. They are also not accurate and grossly distort the notion of consent, which is supposed to mean when someone willingly chooses to do something. The presence of alcohol does not automatically invalidate consent. You also don't have to repeat over and over, "Yes, I consent to that" during sex for it to be consensual. It's so absurd.

If you bring any of this up, you just get branded a "misogynist" and all discussion shuts down. It's absurd. I feel like I'm living in the old Soviet Union.