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Women on Reddit seem determined to play oppression Olympics. They are literally invalidating men's experiences. I was telling one woman here how many men have approached and gotten rejected repeatedly. For many people, that repeated sense of rejection will lead to high levels of distress, hopelessness, and low self-esteem. How did they reply?

"They're not approaching any women — they DON'T KNOW any women."

Let's not ignore all of the countless stories and cases of divorce rape, incredibly biased rulings in child custody cases, criminal cases etc.

It's like women here can't possibly fathom that men deal with hardships or injustices. Did they really internalize all of that feminist indoctrination so hard that they think it's impossible for a man to live a worse life than a woman? It's as if they get enraged if you dare suggest men even have problems. They've been conditioned to see men only as subjugators and oppressors — they couldn't possibly see them as being a part of an exploited class.

And if you dare suggest that a man has an issue on par or greater than what women face? You're an evil misogynist who needs to check his privilege.