First of all, I think having sex is a human need. I'm not sure if they include psychological well being as a human rights issue, but I guess torture and solitary confinement can be considered depriving one of basic rights. I think having sex is a human need, and pursuing it and having it (consentually) is a huge portion of happiness (we're evolutionarily programmed to want sex, it's not a far throw to assume men might need it to avoid depression).

Anyhow, I've been looking into how to control my reproduction. It's very difficult. Obviously I use condoms, but those aren't perfect, and I spend a lot of time lying awake wondering if one day a woman will show up at my door demanding a paycheck.

This is a serious fear I have. SERIOUSLY. I am very anxious about it.

I am so anxious that I select partners that are on birth control. I select partners that answer yes to the abortion question. I select partners that I think I can trust.

But at the end of the day, I don't trust them enough. Because I know they can legally bring me to the cleaners if they so chose. There is no legal requirement for them not to lie to me about taking birth control. There is no legal requirement to actually get a promised abortion. And there is a legal requirement for me to pay for the fucking baby if one happens.

It scares me shitless. I DO NOT WANT KIDS.

Why don't I have a birth control pill option? Why isn't this an option?

So I've been lurking on this forum, and everybody seems to say, just get a vasectomy. It's that easy.

I don't have insurance, and it's not that easy. First off, calling doctors just to get a price quote is damn near impossible. Doctors and Urologists do not like to quote over the phone, and not a single one will commit to a pre-agreed price. I'd like to know how it's legal to contractually obligate somebody to pay a price that wasn't pre-negotiated. Seems to me that's a consumer protection issue. (I digress)

So I'm in the Boston area, and the best price I seem to be getting is, "around the $3500 area, and $125 for the consult."


I can't fucking afford that.

I can't afford kids! That's why I want one!

I'm just trying to figure out why I have literally zero options aside from abstinence, and why men are expected to choose abstinence like it's actual freedom.

"You have freedom! If you don't like this food, you can always just not eat!"