Feminism hijacked the left. Feminism is not and never was until October 2017 some underlying premise of any political left, nor was the radical LGBT agenda. Radical feminism exploited Me Too to take over the left from October 2017 until the end of 2018, I've seen it evolving step by step, how they used social media to spread social violence and fear in the left and force almost everyone to either comply with every false or violent assertion of theirs or be banned for life. When Me Too started, first radical feminism used these methods to take over all of feminism (governmental institutes, any kind of media targeting women), and when these were taken, used them to force itslef on the entire left, and once that was accomplished - following their footsteps came the radical LGBT sect, so feminists were now spreading a vision of erasing manhood (or men) and radical LGBT joined with the vision that erasing normal heterosexuality is "liberating humanity" (and very quickly the two extremists found out that legitimizing social violence will eventually turn against the one who legitimized it - so men and boys were to be hated and marginalized and then applauded for rejecting maleness and calling themselves women, and when such boys and men marched the feminist-LGBT agenda into women's restrooms and sports, feminists were astonished that their "sex is only a social construct" has consequences (thinking is not an option, they had to castrate children to understand they got something wrong) and turned against the radical LGBTs that just a minute ago were their partners in denouncing maleness but now became the enemy, upon which radical LGBTs that feminism raised and educated to its unsound beliefs of "everything is social construct" turned their social incitement back against feminists and now the two are at each other's throats).

In five years these two unsound violent sects attempted to redefine the basic paradigm of the left - Humanism, into the idea that humanism no longer means equality for all as same protections for every INDIVIDUAL, but only protections to GROUPS, so suddenly it became "humanism" to allow violations of human dignity, rights or protections if someone is from the wrong GROUP. This is the very premise of racist-fascist thinking, the very opposite of humanism, and for that reason the "progressive" attack on society is anti-humanist and anti-left, and those on the left who agree with the progressive violence and join it are doing it out of cowardliness, fear, stupidity, personal cynical gain, blind group-thinking, and lack of conscience.

But I believe most on the left don't agree with any of the madness that feminism has released, and that this madness is not a partizan subject, it is a-political, there is a vast majority from both political sides living under silencing and oppression, and they need to join forces on all matters related to sex and sexes relations, and overthrow this violent party called "progressives". De-facto this party has enacted a quiet dictatorship, through a control over cultural and societal institutions at a degree that any regular dictatorship could be proud of - in education, universities, research, television, cinema, public broadcasts, newspapers, governmental societal offices. None of their agendas about sexes and sexes relations has ever been put to voting, these agendas are enforced with dictation and threat through pressures created firstly by incitement and disinformation in social media that starts a domino effect of cultural and societal institutions, each in its turn facing the full weight of all the parts that were pushed at it and then becomes another part of the overall mass.

People of both political sides are in agreement. The "progressives" try to incite against objections twice - first when manipulatively painting every objection as "racism and sexism", and then by calling any objection "right wing extremism". While nearly all of the objections are not racism nor sexism and almost none of the objections are unique to the right - they are humanist objections. The left needs to stop living in fear, the right and left can join forces and stop this.